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ReadersMagnet Review: History of Generational Foods
The G.I. Generation is short for “Government Issue” Generation. This refers to children born and raised from 1900 t0 1924. The name would soon be replaced with “the Greatest Generation,” based on Tom Brokaw’s best-selling book about the Great Depression and World War II. During this time, artificial preservatives, colors, and additives were not yet introduced, so most dishes were locally produced meat, fish, eggs, fruits, and vegetables. Two of the most famous dishes of the G.I. Generation are applesauce cake and chicken a la king. Applesauce was famous during the First World War when home cooks prepared applesauce cake with all-rationed ingredients- sugar, fat, and flour mixed cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and vanilla.
13-Apr-2022, 03:26 AM