The lyrics of the song "Khalas Bay'a" by Youssef Morsi are written in full. If you intend to leave me alone, you will leave me and I will not leave my heart. I wanted to be with you and lose you.
The lyrics of the song "Your Right Man" by Tony Qattan are written in full. Where were we and where are we now in the blink of an eye, the opening of an eye, I became his share and we became each othe...
The lyrics of the song Dahia Al-Zamaa Muhannad Khalaf are written in full. We have lined up the row of Al-Dahiya, Mahwish, turn it into fire, shine brightly with the five, we will throw sparks towards...
The lyrics of Rasini Ahmed Ehab's song are written in full. The loose hours make separation tiring and the pain follows. It gets harder every time, and there are no solutions, I become addicted to som...
The lyrics of the song Insani Hussein Ghazal are written in full. Forget me, my life, my fathers do not have to do it. You love me and I know what you want. You like my visa. What if I do?
The lyrics of the song Tajbarni Evan Naji are written in full. Forcing me, means forgetting you, Koh and Jabr. I will not forget that if I leave in my heart embers from my mind, I will go and do not f...
The lyrics of the song “My Heart Loves You” are written in full. Do you know that these two days are equal to years for me, because I and you lie down in your mouth the moment you realize that he ...
The lyrics of the song Without a Visa, Farid Al-Bably, are written in full. I don't want my decision if what, without a visa, my sweet dog entered, my soul is happy, joy is indescribable.
The lyrics of the song Yaji Bakr Burhan are written in full. All my life I have been looking at everyone's eyes. Their eyes pass by, praying that I may see you and gather you with my feelings.