News in Music
And I myself want to tell you stories in my heart about how a night passed and hours passed by. And my mind is busy, and neither are you on my mind. It is not possible that the story of its letters ha...
09-Mar-2024, 03:33 AM
All the details I had made it clear to me that you were a very caring person, to the point that one day I felt that there was someone more important than me. Thank you for your taste because of my fee...
08-Mar-2024, 05:31 AM
I wish it had come in two days. I wish it had been a month or two. This feeling of nostalgia is something in the soul that has gone away. If I mean, it came to me as longing as a grain of tears or a s...
07-Mar-2024, 02:14 AM
I was fine and nothing hurt me at all. I have a slight cough and I don't have anything else. I saw him laughing in front of me as if he had been blinded by how many arrows he had thrown at me since th...
06-Mar-2024, 06:24 PM
Separation, I have nothing to say, I am in a state of disappointment, the one who lived in my heart for his entire life has given me a stupid soul, come. Destroying our love through neglect and neglec...
06-Mar-2024, 08:25 AM
My passion is that I love you more than you can imagine. I kept you in my heart for years, and your burning and pleading did not intercede for my heart. How much you love to dance over my pains, come ...
05-Mar-2024, 08:47 AM
I will make mistakes in my life and from the moment I die, I will never miss you again. That is, stop my tears, listen to me, that is, every pain comes that takes my things that I do not want to expre...
05-Mar-2024, 03:26 AM
The lyrics of the song “I Love You” by Ziad Youssef are written in full. I love you and I love everything that belongs to you. All my arrogance I feel wasted. You changed my law and I became yours...
03-Mar-2024, 09:10 AM
The lyrics of the song “I Passed Through My Chest” by Kazem El Saher are written in full. I passed my chest and it was time to cry, so curse my tears and this meeting. I left my tears on my palms ...
03-Mar-2024, 02:28 AM
I hope you forget me and don't bow down to me so that you will bow down to my heart. A place inside for a new wound and I walk away from silence in order to live. Don't open up about the topic anymore...
02-Mar-2024, 05:18 AM